Focus and Scope


Journal Enterprise Information System and Aplications is a scientific forum that focuses on discussing research in the fields of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems, Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, Business Intelligence and Analytics, Knowledge Management Systems, Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business Applications, Cloud Computing in an Enterprise Context, Cybersecurity and Data Privacy in Enterprise Systems, Digital Transformation Strategies and Technologies, case studies and empirical research on the adoption and impact of information systems in organizations.


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

Scopes related to this topic include:
Research in this area focuses on the development, implementation, customization, and evaluation of ERP systems. It may include studies on ERP software selection, integration with existing systems, organizational change management, and the impact of ERP on business processes and performance.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

Scopes related to this topic include:
This area encompasses studies on the design, implementation, and management of CRM systems aimed at improving customer interactions, sales, and marketing effectiveness. Research topics may include customer data analysis, personalization strategies, multichannel integration, and CRM system usability.

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems

Scopes related to this topic include:
Research in SCM systems examines the use of information technology to optimize supply chain processes, including procurement, production, inventory management, and distribution. Topics may include supply chain visibility, demand forecasting, logistics optimization, and supplier relationship management.

Business Intelligence and Analytics

Scopes related to this topic include:
This area focuses on the use of data analytics and business intelligence tools to extract insights from large datasets for decision-making purposes. Topics may include data mining techniques, predictive analytics, visualization methods, big data analytics, and the use of AI/machine learning in business intelligence.

Knowledge Management Systems

Scopes related to this topic include:
Research in knowledge management systems explores strategies and technologies for capturing, storing, sharing, and utilizing organizational knowledge. Topics may include knowledge representation, knowledge sharing platforms, expertise location systems, and the impact of knowledge management on innovation and organizational learning.

E-commerce and E-business Applications

Scopes related to this topic include:
This area covers research on the use of information technology in electronic commerce and business processes. Topics may include online retailing, electronic payment systems, mobile commerce, digital marketing strategies, and e-business models such as platform-based businesses and sharing economy platforms.

Cloud Computing in Enterprise Contexts

Scopes related to this topic include:
Research in this area examines the adoption, implementation, and management of cloud computing technologies and services in enterprise environments. Topics may include cloud deployment models, cloud security and privacy, cloud service management, and the integration of cloud solutions with existing IT infrastructure.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy in Enterprise Systems

Scopes related to this topic include:
This area focuses on research related to protecting enterprise information systems and data assets from cyber threats and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations. Topics may include network security, encryption techniques, risk assessment, incident response, and legal and ethical issues in cybersecurity and data protection.

Digital Transformation Strategies and Technologies

Scopes related to this topic include:
Research in digital transformation explores how organizations leverage digital technologies to innovate business processes, products, and services. Topics may include digital strategy formulation, digital maturity assessment, digital innovation management, and the role of emerging technologies such as IoT, blockchain, and AI in digital transformation.

Case Studies and Empirical Research on Information Systems Adoption and Impact

Scopes related to this topic include:
This area includes empirical studies and case analyses examining the adoption, implementation, and impact of information systems in organizations. Research may investigate factors influencing IS adoption decisions, organizational change processes, and the effects of IS on business performance, productivity, and competitive advantage.